Wisconsin / Michigan Folks


Well-Known Member
Don't want to really get into politics but are y'all up in Michigan and Wisconsin--hotbeds for country folks and firearms--REALLY gonna turn this country over to Hillary Clinton?? Please tell me the polls are wrong.
I'm from Michigan. Lotta folks up there used to getting their Kuerig cups free from the government. Same here in NC. I voted early today. I've been SAD all day.
We need an altruistic patriot. Someday. Maybe. I hope. And pray. But im not going to hold my breath
If you're like me and over 40, we'll never live to see it. At least not without some major catastrophe that costs millions of lives--mostly libtards in big northeastern cities. But then, not sure I'd want to live through that.
Turn 50 this year. I can't believe what we've done to this place in the last 20 years. Just pray. That's all we can do now.
Here in Wisconsin, the liberals in Madison and Milwaukee outnumber the rest of the state for the most part.
I told my wife I'm writing in Chuck Norris.
Been meaning to say a big THANK YOU from all of America to Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Never loved Yankees so much!!! For what's impossible for man, is possible for God.