Shady area - small food plots


What is a good food plot crop for shady areas?
I planted 15 pounds of white clover this year and it did pretty good but wanted to know what other types of seed people have had good luck with.

Clover is good. You could add chicory and oats. Go to the feed store and get a 100 lb bag of oats and broadcast right in the clover. Just made sure you have at least 50% sunlight. Brassicas will also do well in shady areas
What are your goals?
Are you looking for a perennial or an annual?
I made a micro-micro experimental planting of Winfred turnip in the deep shade of a blue spruce. The growth was substantial. Very impressive until the deer started eating it. I'll never know just how good it could have been because I didn't cage it, but what did grow was very good.
What are your goals?
Are you looking for a perennial or an annual?
I made a micro-micro experimental planting of Winfred turnip in the deep shade of a blue spruce. The growth was substantial. Very impressive until the deer started eating it. I'll never know just how good it could have been because I didn't cage it, but what did grow was very good.

That's a good question Tap
My gut says to start with an anuual just to see how it does but at this point im not really sure. The areas that I can plant in are open holes in fairly dense woods. When I planted the clover this year I could definitely tell which areas go the most sun so that was something I learned. Next season il leave an exclusion area with some chicken wire so I can see how the growth does
Well fed white clover will dominate in a shady area. I can grow clover in full shade that damn near matches the clover I have in full sun. Gotta be well fed though. I have some where I only put down lime and it didn't do near as well.