Posting no-trespassing signs


Well-Known Member
We have a property line with an outfitter. One of their guys ended up 200 yards on our property looking for a deer he shot at 100 yards across the border in my standing beans.

Having property surveyed in 2 weeks and plan to post signs to make it abundantly clear for all to see. A couple questions:

What signs have you guys used?

Face them both ways to be equitable?

How far apart do you recommend between signs?

Would you put a contact number on the sign?

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I have them 50-60 yards apart on the road and around 100 in the woods. I don't know Illinois laws but I don't have to post them at all. You better know where you are here. I do it to keep the kids out of my woods doing who knows what.

How did that story work out with the outfitter? How did they handle it and did he actually hit the deer on your property? I would have included the game warden I the conversation.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I would do two visible things: post visible signs and paint mark the trees on the boundary.

I would definitely talk to the outfitter and game warden. A decent outfitter will try to respect your land and should want his land respected too. Regarding the game warden, I think they can correct bad behavior better than you.

If I caught a hunter on my ground, I would take his photo as fast as I could get my phone out of my pocket. I would probably text that photo to the game warden right then.

Was a guy paying to hunt from Florida. He was in wrong stand and turned around. He was honest with me I believe and told me exactly where the deer was when he shot. He didn't believe he hit it but wanted to look.

Outfitter and I had a candid conversation. He agreed to remove the stand from property line to avoid this issue in future.

I was not happy. Game warden said only thing I could have done was press charges on the hunter, but I didn't think it was his fault.

I handled as calmly as I can and figured outfitter willing to move a stand was a small victory. Don't want a scenario that is so ugly I'm afraid of a deer running over their line and no permission to recover.

I offered to walk with them to look for deer. I did tell him property would be surveyed and posted to avoid anything like this in future.

I asked that he move all stands far enough away from lines that his hunters couldn't reach across with their intended weapons. Sort of a big ask, but told him if he can't police them enough to get to right stand, how could he keep them from shooting line.

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Signs can be pulled down but good paint markings on trees has many years of life. Hopefully it is a one time event. A surveyor cost some coin. Yikes.

Some folks would say that cost is shared by both land owners. That way the other person has some skin in the game.
Clear property lines solve a lot of issues

I have my line marked with steel fence posts about 15-20 yards apart. Every other post I've put a sign on a piece of treated plywood and used a hose clamp and white piece of poly conduit to attach it to the post. The white conduit sticks out nicely. There is no question where the line is
It sure he's interested in finding out the line. I think his best stand on whole property might actually be on us. If it is, he's SOL.... so don't think he really wants to know. If it's on him, it's close enough half his shooting lanes will be facing my new posted signs.

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If the best stand is on your property then congratulations. He will get over it and adapt. If the line is not in your benefit as you believe you will get over it. The good thing is both of you will know the real deal. That's the most important thing. Get the line established.
Check your states laws as just about every state has it's own,In KS you you can put up purple paint but it only means NO hunting or fishing without written permission, not no tresspassing
While our posting is within NY law standards the posting is done more for what we have found to be the most effective for us in keeping us safer while making it known that we are serious about no trespassing. I believe that posting with out of state hunters and especially paying ones calls for more sign visibility than just local hunters. We have both out of state hunters as well as local hunters and we have found that posting to the extreme works well for us. There have been two shooting accidents in this area in the last three years so we use the signs both as a safety measure as well as to help keep trespassers out. All signs are put on back boards. The boards are nailed into trees with at least three hefty nails, one in all the way and two 1/2 inch short of all the way. Trees used are narrower than the back boards. Where there is not a suitable tree a metal post is used which is also painted front and back.

The signs are edge and front painted with fluorescent tree marking paint as in the picture. The tree is painted above and below the sign. On our side of the tree the backboard showing is also painted with the fluorescent red tree paint as well as above and below the backboard.


Our signs are metal with our name and address preprinted on them and they stay fresh looking for years. We get them from
The red fluorescent paint needs freshening annually; we get that from forestry suppliers and it is manufactured by AERVOE industries. We've tried other paints;the AERVOE paint in florescent red stands out the best.

The distance between the signs depends on the area. ie; near the tractor roads which intersect the car road extra signs are put up so they may be only 50 feet apart. 100 feet apart is used where trespassing is less likely(NY law calls for every corner and at least every 650 feet.). Bad neighbors, line sitters and those with multiple guests get them more often. Signs are mounted at eye level and we try to maintain that exact height always.

Yes they do reduce the beauty of the roadside and the woods edge but they could help prevent a shooting accident in either direction. We never shoot towards a property line when we are close enough that the bullet is likely to cross the line;we simply have no idea what/who is beyond that line. Painting the back of the signs and tree gives myself and my guests a constant reminder of where the property lines are; the signs could save a life. The signs are IMPORTANT.
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While our posting is within NY law standards the posting is done more for what we have found to be the most effective for us in keeping us safer while making it known that we are serious about no trespassing. I believe that posting with out of state hunters and especially paying ones calls for more sign visibility than just local hunters. We have both out of state hunters as well as local hunters and we have found that posting to the extreme works well for us. There have been two shooting accidents in this area in the last three years so we use the signs both as a safety measure as well as to help keep trespassers out. All signs are put on back boards. The boards are nailed into trees with at least three hefty nails, one in all the way and two 1/2 inch short of all the way. Trees used are narrower than the back boards. Where there is not a suitable tree a metal post is used which is also painted front and back.

The signs are edge and front painted with fluorescent tree marking paint as in the picture. The tree is painted above and below the sign. On our side of the tree the backboard showing is also painted with the fluorescent red tree paint as well as above and below the backboard.

View attachment 5335

Our signs are metal with our name and address preprinted on them and they stay fresh looking for years. We get them from
The red fluorescent paint needs freshening annually; we get that from forestry suppliers and it is manufactured by AERVOE industries. We've tried other paints;the AERVOE paint in florescent red stands out the best.

The distance between the signs depends on the area. ie; near the tractor roads which intersect the car road extra signs are put up so they may be only 50 feet apart. 100 feet apart is used where trespassing is less likely(NY law calls for every corner and at least every 650 feet.). Bad neighbors, line sitters and those with multiple guests get them more often. Signs are mounted at eye level and we try to maintain that exact height always.

Yes they do reduce the beauty of the roadside and the woods edge but they could help prevent a shooting accident in either direction. We never shoot towards a property line when we are close enough that the bullet is likely to cross the line;we simply have no idea what/who is beyond that line. Painting the back of the signs and tree gives myself and my guests a constant reminder of where the property lines are; the signs could save a life. The signs are IMPORTANT.
Wow, playing above the rim as normal Chainsaw
Okie said it. Best money is on a fence, even simple tensile wire to mark boundary. No misunderstanding then. Law here with signs is must be able to see one sign while standing at another. Paint is legal now. Get surveyors spray, will last 5+ years. I've got just a few areas posted on my property and those are near my sanctuaries. You guys make me feel good, my neighbors never cross the line . They are very respectable . I'm luckier than most. And as said, I try to stay on good terms even with the one I'm not so much a fan of.
I wish I had the money to do what a few of you guys are doing. There is no way possible that I could afford to put signs up every 20 yards or 50 yards. Every 100 yards would even be a stretch. It is a good thing purple paint is cheap and goes a long way. I am guessing to put signs every 20 yards on a T post would cost a fortune unless you just own a couple acres. I would have $20,000 a year in signage and still not get signs every 20 yards around properties.
I'm going to start using paint this year. I have used the paper signs the last 5 yrs but they last abt a year or so in Florida. Someone posted some plastic signs on here a while back that I was going to look into they were suppose to last a couple years. Can't seem to find the link. One day hopefully I will be able to fence it for now I just put it where I have to to keep people from driving onto the property. I have also worked to getting to know the neighbors and give them my contact info to report anyone. But sometimes they are the ones transpassing but some have been helpful.