How many plan to walk away from QDMA?

I'm done with them. I was really close to becoming a life member too. Man am I happy I didn't do that!!!!!!
Not only is QDMA dead to me I am going to do my best to make sure the everyone I know understands that that QDMA and QDM are in no way related.

That right there is what I think will bite them in the butt HARD over all this. What I believe they have failed to realize or assign anywhere near enough importance to is that those on their forum aren't "normal." "Normal" QDMA members, hunters or even habitat enthusiasts don't invest their free time reading and posting to a forum all about deer and habitat management. You all aren't "normal." Whether you realize it or not, you're made up of the best of the best out there that do this stuff (and I sincerely doubt most of you realize that, but that is true). Because of that, many, if not most of you are the ones your buddies come to for advice and that advice is taken far more seriously than what some random joker gives.

I think it's pretty crystal clear that QDMA put little to no value on what their most hard core members (or practitioners, for those that never joined) felt and thought about this move. How many of you guys (and AD) are going to speak highly of QDMA from this point out? MAYBE down south QDMA is generally viewed in a positive light. I can't say either way on that. In the Midwest and the north, it isn't by the majority of hunters in my experience (doing seminars at deer shows, talking to hunters in camps and so on made that pretty clear to me). Anyone on the fence just needs to hear one bad thing from any of you for them to confirm the reservation they already had about QDMA being an elitist, trophy only organization that is going to try to shove what they can and can't shoot down their throats, as well as the reason the neighbors' will no longer allow them to hunt their grounds, other lands are now leased and so on.

I'm not saying all of that is fair or true, but I got that vibe from 9 of every 10 hunters I've talked to in the Midwest and points north. I'm also not telling anyone that they should go around bashing QDMA to any and everyone that will listen. In fact, I'd actually encourage people not to, as nothing good comes from that, and it merely allows negative emotions to eat away at one's self. However, I sincerely doubt you guys (and AD) will continue being positive ambassadors for QDMA. Good experiences are shared extremely slowly. Bad experiences are spread like wild fire. I fear for their sake that they didn't take that into account, particularly when dealing with those that "normal" hunters and managers come to for advice.

I'm going to try to make this my last post complaining about QDMA, as, not to sound like a jerk, but they just aren't worth the effort to type anything more about them and I have no desire to keep dredging up negative feelings for myself (typing that more for my sake than others, as now I have to try to follow my own advice).
After attending only one function at QDMA headqaurters, I saw the writing on the wall. I was/am a life member of B.A.S.S. and NWTF and I no longer supprt either of those groups for the same reasons. They showed me that they are only in it for the money. The only reason I have stuck around this long was because of the forum. I am on Habitat Talk and here. I hope most of the great members from QDMA show up here.
Well I did get a fair & timely reply from Mr. Thomas.....doesn't change my mind, but at least he replied. I won't post it - as I respect his privacy.
My thing is I don't have a problem if they were trying to make a buck. Everything needs to make enough to at least pay for itself and hopefully turn somewhat of a profit. But they need to say that! I didn't even really have a problem with them shutting it down. My problem is how they did it with no chance of anyone buying out the site. I am not and was not a member so I have no place to really complain about what they did with the forum. I just take exception to the way they did it and the fact that so many people lost years worth of valuable information for the new food plotters and habitat managers of the world. The Q&A part will move and I believe will take off like wild fire right here. The farm threads are going to take years to build back to where they were. I look forward to following their progress right here though.
I joined QDMA in its inaugural year. I knew some of the folks involved with its creation and was totally excited about this new resource. In the early years I was active with our local chapter which had some of the most successful fund raisers in QDMA history. I personally offered auctioned hunts on my property which raised thousands of dollars for them. I wanted to believe they would represent all aspects of deer and deer hunting educating all facets.

I slowly became disenchanted with what I saw as divisive, polarizing and hypocritical behavior thus stopped active participation. I'll give a couple of examples. I think they thru the deer breeding industry under the bus. I AM NOT A DEER BREEDER. But I have no problem with it and in fact think there is much to learn from it. The hypocrisy is that they awarded their highest honors to one of the pioneers in the deer breeding industry,...a good friend of mine....celebrate his accomplishments and contributions yet lobby for the end of the business using skinny science at best. I am happy to elaborate on this point in detail to anyone interested.But it reminds me of a politician that uses polling data to take positions instead of standing for what they believe in based on facts.

Another example is their position or lack of on game fencing. I appreciate this is an emotionally charged subject. Nonetheless they could easily have taken an opportunity to educate all on what fences are, what they are not, the risks and the opportunities. The hypocrisy is this: The first high fence I ever saw in the early 1980's was built by Al Brothers. Indeed Al Brothers is one of the earliest pioneers utilizing the benefits of game fencing on ranches he managed in Texas. QDMA offers as one of it's highest awards the annual Al Brothers award. Seems conflicted to me.

Because of examples like this and what I perceived as a polarizing approach instead of bringing all together I kept my membership but stop active participation. Then I found the forum. For many years I just stalked. Indeed once I started actively participating I was criticized for some of my positions. No worries .I only presented personal experiences and stand by them. Always happy to explore intelligent challenges . The forums provided a wealth of experience and discussion in many things I'm very passionate about. I gained much.

Then QDMA decided to discontinue forum. I think the motive was to control the message. I believe forum IS the voice of QDMA. I'm done.

Blessings to this new site and I hope it provides a wealth of solid counsel, experience and support to the broad community it represents.
Not really any choice in my mind. The forum was THE reason I know much of anything about QDM. I am sad to lose that outstanding resource but hopefully another one will grow here.
I'm done - to me that forum was QDMA - it's how I found them, it's how I practice quality deer management, and it's how I've met a great many friends who have nurtured me on my journey.
I agree with Chainsaw (and actually wanted to see what he had to say on the topic - I don't know him but I like the way he handles things like this.). I'm as mad as anyone over the decision but I'm going to wait and see how things go before deciding whether to stay a member or not.
I'm done with qdma and will happily tell any of their sponsors the same. It wouldn't leave such a bad taste if they would have let members take over the old forum info and incorporate it into a new forum like this one. I hate to think of all the time and great information that will be deleted and lost with a click of the keyboard.
The forum was the reason I joined to begin with. Was considering a lifetime membership and a couple of rack packs. Was considering the deer steward classes. It's very rare to see such a group of selfless giving individuals. Paul Knox was such an inspiration. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined giving money to someone halfway across the country that I'd never met. I didn't hesitate when the issue came up. I know a lot of people contributed to him and his family. That's the kind of group that existed. Inspiring and helping others. To shut that down was just wrong.
I've got to let it go and move on. agree with Steve... resentment an obsessing over it is only going to be a cancer to myself.
I wish them the best. If their headquarters should ever catch on fire I would do my best to help. No hard feelings.... I would grab the nearest 5 gallon can of gas I could find to help put it out. :)
That right there is what I think will bite them in the butt HARD over all this. What I believe they have failed to realize or assign anywhere near enough importance to is that those on their forum aren't "normal." "Normal" QDMA members, hunters or even habitat enthusiasts don't invest their free time reading and posting to a forum all about deer and habitat management. You all aren't "normal." Whether you realize it or not, you're made up of the best of the best out there that do this stuff (and I sincerely doubt most of you realize that, but that is true). Because of that, many, if not most of you are the ones your buddies come to for advice and that advice is taken far more seriously than what some random joker gives
Lol I have always said the QDMA forum made me the smartest guy of dumb kids on my block when it came to land managment. :)
I had already dropped my membership a couple years ago when I found the forum. A lot more info on the forum than there was in their magazine by far.
I was introduced to the Forum through another member and found it a great place to share and learn. I posted as a visitor for a while and felt bad about not supporting them so paid for a three year sub. To be honest I have 4 of the last magazines still wrapped in their plastic as I have found more valuable information in John Deer's publication. It is laughable that they are touting their "Experts" when the forum was full of people with real life expertise who I considered experts. No I will not be handing them over any other money and I will find another place other than their forum to provide information to those who need help.
I gave up on QDMA when I realized they were all about the $$$$$$ for them. I do see some name I know. Hi guy's.