How long after spraying?


Long story short I haven't been able to get my winter rye and clover in the ground yet, and still need to spray gly on the plot to kill whats currently there. How long after spraying do i need to wait until, either discing or "throw and Mow"
A couple weeks? Couple days?
Can we discuss how spraying actually works? If cutting 1-4 hours after a spray, aren't we cutting before the spray has a chance to get down to the roots and kill what we are trying to eradicate? I was under the impression it took a while for the spray to work down to the roots to work its magic after being absorbed through the leaf. Since I'm evidently wrong, can you straighten me out? I would love to speed the process up for what I have been doing. It sure would make a heck of a difference being able to accomplish what I want to do in a timely efficient manner. Thanks in advance.
Sorry I didn't catch that you were mowing. Often, I simply spray, broadcast, and walk away. Works very good. I sometimes will spray few days before then seed and mow. I also have seeded, mowed, then sprayed all same day. Can't see much diff in any technique but I am evaluating everything from weather to thickness of standing growth. Of the ways I have done it, I like spraying, giving it a few hours, then broadcasting, no mow. Sorry to make it confusing, good luck.
I sprayed 2 weeks ago, went back yesterday and sprayed again to hit some missed vegetation, planted rye and clover immediately afterwards.
I sprayed 2 weeks ago, went back yesterday and sprayed again to hit some missed vegetation, planted rye and clover immediately afterwards.

It would help others if you listed at least your state as planting date vary greatly.