Flowering Dogwood for deer?


Active Member
According to USDA, browse preference is medium, protein quantity is low. I haven't seen much browse by deer, but honestly I don't have much experience with it in a woods setting. I have access to about 20 seedlings that are perfect transplant size at home and debating where to put them. Anyone experience use on them by wildlife in general? I dont mind helping all wildlife not exclusive to deer (I also turkey hunt so that's a consideration)
They are a great little tree for both spring beauty and a fall berry. I dont see deer messing with them much here. But squirrels and turkeys will sure like them.
Not a lot of deer value, but lots of birds and small game use the fruits. Also some bee and insect use of the flowers.
They were free and easy to move, wet ground made it quick and easy. Planted them along an edge between mature pines and a road getting partial shade.

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Cant go wrong with a few dogwoods. I knew a forester who killed every one of them he could.:). They shaded white oak seedlings you know......
Some falls their leaves are right pretty too.
I planted 5 and have 5 more to transplant this fall. I potted them and hope to get a few more roots before putting into the ground.

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Never had much luck moving flowering dogwoods.
My plant guru grandma said the same. Plant 2 where you want 1. They are easy to dig up and free so i figured it may be worth it. Food is my low hole in the bucket so hopefully these trees help provide some understory growth and food.
They're highly desired up by me. Red osier gets browsed very hard even during easy winters.
I planted 5 bareroot redoiser dogwoods and have been amazed at how well they took off. Planted in a low swampy areas right next to some cattails. Tubed 3 and left 2 unprotected to gage browse and allow suckering. One of the tubed ones is almost out of the 5ft tube.