External Battery / Solar Charger


Well-Known Member
I am still enjoying my Spartan GoCam cell camera with AT&T service to deliver almost real time photos.


Problem is the pictures get to that "P0" way too quickly, which means the batteries are shot. Some brand batteries last longer than others but I really just buy what I find and reload.

Would like to get some advice on the use of an external battery and possibly a small solar charge to it. Anybody using something like that? What do I need, where to get it? How to hook it up?
I just recently deployed the moultrie system with an external battery and solar charger and it has worked very well. It sure is easy to see for "trespassers" if that is a problem in your area, but so far its better then replacing the batteries every month!
I use the large external SLA battery, along with a small solar panel. I have a camera that only gets a few pics a day, it's run perpetually without pulling the battery for a year and a half. I have 2 other cameras that get more pics, and I don't have solar panels on them yet. A battery on a fresh charge still go 5-6 mos. I'm running the Coverts, pretty similar camera.
The problem I find with the solar charger/external 12v battery set up is the critters chew, cut the wiring.
The problem I find with the solar charger/external 12v battery set up is the critters chew, cut the wiring.

I had that issue with one camera, a couple times. I finally wrapped the wire around the tree tightly, and they gave up.
I had something to happen to my camera yesterday. We had major storms in the area, almost five inches of rain at the farm. The camera sent its last picture at 5:25pm and then has been silent since. At first I thought maybe AT&T was out in the area, but now I am worried about the camera. The last picture showed battery strength at P5, and they were just put in last Friday.
I had something to happen to my camera yesterday. We had major storms in the area, almost five inches of rain at the farm. The camera sent its last picture at 5:25pm and then has been silent since. At first I thought maybe AT&T was out in the area, but now I am worried about the camera. The last picture showed battery strength at P5, and they were just put in last Friday.

Ya. Weird they run down that fast, but at P5 you are on borrowed time for transmitting. Mine never transmits anything at 5 or lower. Maybe just some dud batteries and it isn't transmitting.
Ya. Weird they run down that fast, but at P5 you are on borrowed time for transmitting. Mine never transmits anything at 5 or lower. Maybe just some dud batteries and it isn't transmitting.

Mine starts at P5 and is in danger at P0. It always shows P5 when I put in new batteries. I fear that something else has happened.
I will update when I am able to get there.
Checked camera today. Battery strength seemed good. Turned system off/on a few times. Reset cards. Tried to send test picture. Nothing. Instead of "sending" the system displayed "setting..." I tried to google that to get an idea of what might be wrong.
Then the system displayed sending, and I got "server error". Then it tried to send again and IT WORKED!

Who knows what was wrong. I really think it just hung up during the big storm on Monday, and something I did reset it.
I put in new batteries just in case that was the problem, and it is working tonight. I have LOTS of raccoons!

Have the hogs left your farm alone? Your great trapping operation put 'em on the in danger species list.

I sure did enjoy your trapping cage and updates.


Have the hogs left your farm alone? Your great trapping operation put 'em on the in danger species list.

I sure did enjoy your trapping cage and updates.


Wayne, I keep thinking I will get some pictures of hogs but not yet. I am ready when they show up
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I had rather the hogs skip you!

But the trapping thread was great fun to follow. I hope we never get them but - tick - tick - tick.

i have two spartans VZR.both have 6 VOLT battery set up 6 volt / 12 ah [ebay] 2 batterys $ 24.00 case from walmart 10.00 wire made some and buy a couple like them better use rechargeable batterys in camera you need them in the camera for when you unplug 6 volt to open the door and they kick in when the larger runs down i get 1800 to 2200 pictures sent over 5 to 8 weeks if most night pictures 1800 5 to 6 weeks
i drill 3 holes in the case one for the wire then about 1 in. or so 2 holes side by side about 5/8 in apart both inside and outside i lay the power wire between the two holes and run a wire tie through both holes and tighten it this holds the wire in place both in and outside then to keep water and bugs out seal with sealant
read were some at&t cameras were shunting down i had one were a bear hit the antenna i lost my pictures