DAIMYO OAK ACORNS - Quercus dentata - Japanese Emperor Oak


Active Member
Anyone ever seen or planted one of these? I realize its not native but I heard they get the largest oak leaves of any tree between 12 and 20" in size and are a super super slow growing white oak. Leaves like that would be neat to see and im always interested in learning more about oaks.
I know a guy with a seedling\sapling. 2014 to 2015 it grew a lot.
They are fairly common in the trade I think. I am pretty sure I have seen others around.
Anyone ever seen or planted one of these? I realize its not native but I heard they get the largest oak leaves of any tree between 12 and 20" in size and are a super super slow growing white oak. Leaves like that would be neat to see and im always interested in learning more about oaks.
A community forester told me the other day that a few Japanese emperor oaks can be found in the park in Waverly, NE (east of LNK). He said they have an unusual growth pattern. I plan on checking them out soon. Will let you know.
Sounds good, keep me posted. Im always checkin every parking lot and park i drive by around here for acorns and different oaks!
There is one in a park near me. Its a sapling and hasnt grown much in the past several years and I havent seen any acorns on it. It does have large leaves.
You should be able to find seed on the web somewhere.

Maybe google Garden web trees and ask around there.
Tried, located two places so far online one wants 85 shipped for a 8" tree, waiting to here back on the other but sounds like almost 60 shipped for a 15"! No acorns anywhere online, even tried arboretums.
I made contact with a possible source but
"Sorry, not this season. Maybe in September. Contact me then.
Guy S. "
Found one place but they said " terminal buds are ruined so it will be a very a typical tree" 12" tall 60 shipped. I would think at that size even with a bad terminal u could trim it back and still grow a good center?
Found one place but they said " terminal buds are ruined so it will be a very a typical tree" 12" tall 60 shipped. I would think at that size even with a bad terminal u could trim it back and still grow a good center?
More work but doable. Young ones will produce a new leader if damaged anyway but it does set them back. I have red oak get browsed back repeatly until they passed browsing height. They really grow then. The roots are key.
Thats what I was thinking. I've cut the center outta several oaks before and they all grew a new straight center, just had to prune out some excess branches/centers for awhile.