Calling Hoosier Deer hunters!!!


Well-Known Member
Indiana DNR and Indiana Whitetailed Deer Herd Mangement group are kicking off a pilot program called County Deer Advisory Councils. This is very similar to what Wisconsin does in an effort to get stakeholder input.....including hunters, into managing the deer numbers in the various counties across the state. The IDNR is supporting starting these as a pilot program in Wabash, Howard, Huntington and Hamilton counties. Anyone interested in being a part of this or involved either as a concerned citizen or more are being invited to attend the informational meetings. For more information check out the IWDHM facebook page or e-mail

Wabash - 2/23 @ 6pm Bass & Bucks Inc. 4890 West Millcreek Pike, Wabash, IN
Howard - 3/4 @ 9am Rogers Pavilion Highland Park, 902 West Deffenbaugh Street, Kokomo, IN
Huntington - 3/25 @ 9am Andrews Lions Club 365 Leedy Lane, Andrews, IN
Hamilton - 4/22 @10am Koteewi Archery Range 11909 Koteewi Drive, Nobelsville, IN