Two Banks Stump 3s for sale


New Member
I have 2 Banks Stump 3s for sale. Complete with carpet, insulation, bow hanger, 8' wooden stand. $1000/each. Located in Browning,IL delivery within a reasonable distance a possible.
Both are identical, see if I can attach a pic having issues and need to get out the door to hunt this morning, The pre rut is kicking in around here20150401_084200.jpg
The banks 3 is just too small to comfortably hunt with a compound or recurve bow. Plus the 3 people capacity must be 3 real small people. For 1 person and gun or crossbow hunting it is ok. At least the bad door design was corrected on newer models. Yes I should of stayed with the rednecks that I have. The banks 4 isn't a bad blind but still love my Redneck 5x6 crossovers