Sawtooth Oaks

Looking good. I've got some about the same age, from acorns. Would be great to see some acorns this year.
Do they hold their leaves long? Someone recommended topping them to create a shrub that makes a great screen.

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Sawtooth Oaks hold their leaves all Winter. I have a few 9 year old Sawtooth Oaks, and have yet to see an acorn, but this should be the year. I've actually had more rapid acorn production from Concordia Oak, and Chinkapin Oak.
I have a bunch that are 12 this spring and they have been producing a couple years,but they are like fruit trees I think you need a lot of them to have much of a food source as mine maybe last a couple weeks. I actually had a couple burs that produces great big acorns the year before the sawtooths did.I need to try and find some more or plant some acorns
That is amazing. My trees here are 20 feet tall by 6 years old and producing acorns. Long growing season.
Great looking trees MP.
I have some direct seeded sawtooth that broke ground a couple of weeks ago. They are the first to do that. I also have chinkapin oak and post oak direct seeded and neither of those have emerged yet. Whats weird is that last year we didn't have a good year for mast production in the upper end of the crosstimbers region and particularly in the post oak / black jack oak forested areas.Bur oaks didn't produce either.
But in those areas the saw tooth had great crops. This is why it's good to have several varieties of mast producing trees because you never know which one is going to take the lead.
Of course we had a low of 24 degree's last night / early morn with a small amount of snow.
I covered my plants with clear plastic against the north wal of the property
the temp inside the plastic is much warmer.