Well-Known Member
Not a political thread at all!!! I was just wondering if any of you have dug into the some of the ag positions of Bobby? He is very big on regenerative farming and the restoration of the soil in our farm country. With him throwing his support behind Trump, it will be interesting to see if and how they could work together, if Trump is elected of course.
The bigger issue is RFK has his eyes trained on vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup, and likely confinement meat. That puts him squarely in the way of the entire agribusiness machine. If anyone understands what that means, it's gonna put a lot of red states on edge. There are a lot of businesses out there that buy wheat for 9 cents per pound, grind it up and boil it in soybean oil and sell it for 22 dollars per pound.

Those fellas ain't gonna take kindly to someone that gets in the way of that.
The bigger issue is RFK has his eyes trained on vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup, and likely confinement meat. That puts him squarely in the way of the entire agribusiness machine. If anyone understands what that means, it's gonna put a lot of red states on edge. There are a lot of businesses out there that buy wheat for 9 cents per pound, grind it up and boil it in soybean oil and sell it for 22 dollars per pound.

Those fellas ain't gonna take kindly to someone that gets in the way of that.
I realize that, and wasn’t really going to address it, to avoid this becoming political, but that’s probably inevitable. :rolleyes::D