Plums, Nectarines, & Apricots


Active Member
Anyone have any experience w/ planting any of the above? Thinking of adding some to the orchard (VA mountains Zone 6b) but don't know much about any of them. If you've planted any, what kind did you plant & any tips you can give?
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Plums grow like fast, almost twice as fast as pears and apples, and are pretty hardy as far as taking care of them, although some varieties tend to get a lot of cankers. The problem with plums and deer hunting is that the plums are over long before deer season.
Plums grow like fast, almost twice as fast as pears and apples, and are pretty hardy as far as taking care of them, although some varieties tend to get a lot of cankers. The problem with plums and deer hunting is that the plums are over long before deer season.
Do they produce fruit faster as well (by faster I mean younger) ?
I believe I read somewhere the plums don’t last quite as long, <30 years?

I’ve been considering a few around the camp to pick while we’re there during the summer months, doesn’t look like they’d help for hunting.

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Not really worried about them for hunting but rather for picking & eating. We've got some native Persimmons, a few nice food plots, & apple / pear trees for the deer & bear. The figs, plums, peaches, etc are for us to enjoy :)
2 years ago I planted 2 Flavortop nectarines and they are growing fast and healthy, and have flowered nicely this spring. I have my fingers crossed as to the disease resistance since I don't plan to spray them. These are just a hobby for fresh eating, not intended for a hunting attractant, although they are beside my food plots.
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Growing up on the farm we had a row of cherry plums, they are smaller than plums, but heavy producers, and the tastiest, sweetest, juiciest, fresh eating plum I've had, and the trees needed almost no maintenance. I'm planting 2 this year just to see if I can replicate this.
Good to know Mennoniteman keep me posted. Been thinking about some Cherry trees also... where does it ever end?! :)