Planting to attract wildlife (Deer, Turkey and Rabbit)

I bought a 50 acre cutover with a creek through the middle a few years ago. Now I want to manage it for hunting. It was land that has been cut for timber. Half was replanted in longleaf pines and the other half wasn't. The trees are only 3-6 feet tall except for the creek line which has massive trees. So mostly a giant bushy area of bamboo, briars, bushes and hay. The 50 acres plot is surrounded by land owned by a timber company consisting of mature pines in all 4 directions with my land in the middle.

Deer are everywhere because they come out of the pine to forage through my fields. I mean I have caught as many as 7 to 8 mature bucks in my field on camera at one time on multiple occasions. I can sit in my stand and just watch them 2 hours before dark on any given day. I only hunt this property one to two weekends a year and take one to two deer at the most and just let them settle till the next year.

The biggest issue it seems is there are a bunch of bamboo that is spreading all over about half of the property. It hasn't crossed the creek to the other side yet. I was told I can get a D5/D6 Dozier in there and dig that out. Ok fine.

After that is out of the way, I was wondering from you experienced farm owners and hunters, exactly how much of the 50 acres should I plant and what types of food crops should I plant to attract wildlife, but specifically Deer, Turkey and Rabbit. Those 3 species seem to keep the ecosystem alive as far as I can tell.

Keep in mind this is for Alabama. I know were are different as far as climate once you get out of the SouthEast.

Thanks for any advice fellas.
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