Deer Season Eve…


Staff member
Hi everyone! I haven’t been on here as much as I would like and really haven’t done much of anything to get ready for deer season this year. We have been in such a horrible drought I haven’t done a thing with my plots at all and my main plot is just tall brown grass and weeds right now but it has the only waterhole in it for over a mile so deer hitting it every single evening. Hunting pressure around our 90 has picked up drastically over the past 4 years since the biggest landowner adjoining us leased his place our. Buck quality appears to be several 1.5 yr olds. 2 2.5 yr olds and 1 3 yr old so I really have no motivation right now here on the Hollow.

Out at the old place I call Home 10 which is a 30 acre place where we run our cattle last year was just awesome for deer but my neighbor who owned all the woods where the deer traveled into our place retired last spring and bought a bulldozer and he has dozed it all off so he could hunt from his house on top of the hill. He runs that dozer every single day and deer sightings are almost nil for the first time I can remember since I was a kid and my main stand tree that was the perfect single tree on a hill in the pasture above a small pond died so I may have to put up an elevated box or something sometime in the future.

That only leaves our deer lease as a “hopeful” place this year to hunt but I haven’t been there in months and haven’t even been down to take our camper yet. No trail cams down there and a storm I understand just decimated the trees all over it back a couple months ago so I was told the road down to where I normally hunt is impassable without a lot of saw work and a tractor. I hope to get down there sometime early next week to get the camper in place at least.

Weird year…I have not shot my bow and I have not gotten my camo out or anything and tomorrow is the opener. I remember a time when I would have been shooting daily for 2 months ahead and would be out there an hour before first light on the opener but this year the drive is low due to all the changes around us…

I do plan to take my bow and sit in a tree on our very weedy burned up food plot near the waterhole tomorrow evening because a cool front is pushing through tomorrow but I am not sure when the next sit will be with everything after tomorrow being upper 80’s to 90’s and dry…may be the last week in October when our muzzleloader season begins.

Good luck everyone…