The commercial orchards in some areas are already in the process of ripping out thousands of Honey Crisp apple trees to make room for the next latest and greatest apple. They figure the average life span of a grocery store variety apple remaining popular in this day and age is less than 3 years. The apple breeders do an excellent job of advertising and pumping up their latest release to capitalize on making the most money. ( which I have no problem with, I love capitalism). The problem I have is that many of the latest varieties taste poor and are high maintenance. My wife bought "apples" a couple of weeks ago thinking she was getting my favorite Pink Lady apples. I swear honest to goodness this variety tasted literally like DIRT! And yes I washed them before eating them. They were so bad I ended up tossing about 6 of them because I just couldnt stand to eat them.I strictly go with what is disease resistant and won't have to be looked after like a baby. There are many good fruit trees that have high DR and are also excellent eating. If I never tasted another "fad chasing, grocery store type, hippie apple," I would be thrilled.
Plant trees that support life instead of requiring life support!
Good luck................
Just planted my first cherry tree this spring. Time will tell. When I was a kid I remember that the blue jays would eat all the cherries before we could get to them. We would save those banquet banana pie plates and wire several of those througout the branches and they kept them out of it for the most part.Thanks for the replies,
Has anyone planted Cherry trees for your own consumption and wildlife?