I wish it was that easy to say for sure, but it isn't. One problem is how plums hybridize. Another problem is how that plums from other countries were brought here and no one really knows all of the places that have naturalized. I would just be glad I had a nice plum that was producing fruit that the deer loved.
With that said, you say you are in Eastern WV. There is a plum that grows there called the Beach Plum (Prunus maritima). It is most generally found near the beaches but will grow inland. It generally has really purple fruit like yours. It is usually a shrub, but if crowded or pruned like a tree, it can grow 18 feet tall. The fruit of this one usually doesn't ripen until August, but there can be variations (like persimmons) and it could be a hybrid, which could change the ripening time.
Chickasaw Plum can grow 25 feet tall according to the USDA - even though it is usually much shorter in a shrub form. Some of them can ripen in May or June, and seedling trees vary a lot with the fruit color. However, I don't think they are usually as deep purple as your fruit appears to be.
The Methley you mentioned is thought to be a cross between a Japanese and American plum. It is a good possibility because it does ripen early, and even though fruit color can vary a lot, it has a tendency to have a purple cast.
To say 100% what you have from just those pictures, I say is highly unlikely, but my hat is off to anyone who can. Good luck, and like I said - be happy you have a nice plum.