Be carefull it’s baby time


Was up to cabin working on stands and mulching trees, trimming trail. Almost stepped on a fawn that wasn’t much bigger than a good sized rabbit. We quickly moved away to another job. Started building a railing on the entry landing of a raised stand. Every time we put screws into the stand we heard birds chirping. Found a barn swallow mud nest above a window sill with 5 baby birds. Went to mow trails and had to keep slowing and weaving to miss baby rabbits. Trees all look good after last years low fruit yields this year looks like a bumper crop year. Looks like a bumper crop of natures critters as well. Keep a sharp eye out while your working.
Almost stepped on this one a few days ago


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I never mow anything until about the middle of June around here except in front of my house and the state road right of way. I bush hogged a fawn once and it about killed me when momma came back to where she had left it. If it looks raggedy, it will just have to wait.