Apple Seedlings


Well-Known Member
I've got several rootstocks coming from Cummins this Spring to do some more grafting but I am also going to start some seedlings from store-apple seeds. I have enough seeds stratifying to start 18 seedlings. I did this about five years ago and grew one really nice seedling apple that I grew in a pot for two years then planted in the yard. I let it grow a year in the ground and then in the spring of 2015 grafted three known varieties onto three limbs that I had cut back. Those grafts grew like crazy and I now have a three-in-one going. It worked so well that I want to try it on a bigger scale for the farm. I'll try to remember and post a few pictures as I go through it.
I am very interested in growing trees from seeds, I look forward to hearing the details of your progress.
Depending on what you're trying to do, you can also just plant "rootstock" and let them grow into full trees. It's a great way to get cheap wildlife trees with some certainty on some of the key factors (e.g. hardiness, size, soil type tolerance).
Doing that too, Dan. Actually doing that to build a stool bed to grow my own rootstocks. These seedlings will be grafted over to known varieties at two years old.
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