I mowed my plots last weekend to let the grass and weeds start breaking down (I won't plant until mid-October) and plan to follow-up with a burndown in about 10 days. In the past I've just used glyphosate @ 2 quarts/ac. but some tough broadleaf weeds always seem to survive. I pretty much ignored the problem in the past - I disced until I had clean dirt and the weeds didn't really come on strong until mid-summer. I'm trying to conserve as much organic matter as possible so I'm planning on a "minimal tillage" planting this year, broadcasting rye and oats into the stubble and lightly discing them in and then overseeding brassicas and clover. As a result I need a better kill than I've been getting.
How much 2, 4-d should I add to gly for a good burndown? Do I need to cut back on the gly?
How much 2, 4-d should I add to gly for a good burndown? Do I need to cut back on the gly?