Acorns on young trees


Active Member
I know this has been discussed somewhat before but just had to post my excitement. I dug up a 6" tall tree growing from an acorn when I was a kid at my aunts house, brought it to my parents and we planted it on their farm. 15 years later "fall of 2013" they were building a new house and the tree had to be removed so I had it moved to my house down the road. It had been producing acorns a couple years at that point. I kept a few acorns back and in early 2014 I planted them in rootmaker 18s and in late may that spring I put them in tubes at my house. This spring, I discovered small acorns on one of the tubed trees. Basically 5years in the ground from seed and I have acorns on it :D They are either bur or schuettes oak trees, never have decided but I was happy to see it! Especially considering how bad the weather has been here the last few years and the tree is only a 7.5ft whip basically.
If you have a Bur Oak that will produce in 5 years I’d like to get in line for some of those acorns please :)
That’s a neat story.
I follow along on these threads about guys growing oak trees from acorns because I find it interesting reading, I've never done anything like that myself because oak trees grow like weeds everywhere that I have land and we often cut down red, white, black, chestnut and scarlet oak seedlings just to make room for whatever else we are doing at the moment. I can't imagine habitat without oaks and I commend you guys for trying to introduce them to your place if you don't have any.
Oaks under the right conditions can grow well. I can't say I have heard of one as fast as you claim, but I am sure it is quite possible. Hopefully it continues to do well for you and you can have a good seed source if you choose to expand as well.
If you have a Bur Oak that will produce in 5 years I’d like to get in line for some of those acorns please :)
That’s a neat story.

^^^THIS^^^^. This is how I got to sawtooths that I have producing their first acorns in 4 to 5 years AND some dropping as late as November.
I follow along on these threads about guys growing oak trees from acorns because I find it interesting reading, I've never done anything like that myself because oak trees grow like weeds everywhere that I have land and we often cut down red, white, black, chestnut and scarlet oak seedlings just to make room for whatever else we are doing at the moment. I can't imagine habitat without oaks and I commend you guys for trying to introduce them to your place if you don't have any.

Same way here, but for some reason, I still have to do it. Like an instinct or something???