yukon's latest activity

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    yukon reacted to BenAllgood's post in the thread Replacing Ag Field... with Like Like.
    Screening your access to keep from bumping them would be nice.
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    Just discussed this with a site visit with NRCS yesterday! A pheasants forever rep and state forester also gave some feedback...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    This discussion certainly gives me some thoughts to consider! I think 2024 season was worse for bumping deer because my destination...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    If the problem is bumping deer from that access point, you don't want anything in that field that will draw deer. This is because you...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    I like this. Thank you.
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    Absolutely. Ratio was just shy of the 2:1 first couple years of ownership but got significantly worse later into this fall. I had a...
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    yukon reacted to Native Hunter's post in the thread Replacing Ag Field... with Like Like.
    If the problem is bumping deer from that access point, you don't want anything in that field that will draw deer. This is because you...
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    yukon reacted to Mennoniteman's post in the thread Replacing Ag Field... with Like Like.
    First off, congratulations on such a beautiful hunting farm. Properties like yours are not easy to come by, but when you have one they...
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    yukon reacted to BenAllgood's post in the thread Replacing Ag Field... with Like Like.
    I have a very similar situation with parking and access by a barn and corn field. I have screening cover from the barn and running along...
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    yukon reacted to yoderjac's post in the thread Replacing Ag Field... with Like Like.
    A lot will depend on your objectives and your location. They will dictate a lot. Just one thought to ponder depending on what they...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    Prevailing winds from the west and southwest. Although stands 1,2 and 3 are a bit lower elevation and often frustratingly protected...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    Thanks - Love the farm! I bought it in 2021 and can't believe I waited so long to own my own dirt! For those on the fence just make it...
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    yukon replied to the thread Replacing Ag Field....
    Thanks, Native! I do park north of the barn and it works really well especially for stand 9. Admittedly, my other access trail cuts...
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    Any thoughts on what to do with the "Ag" portion of my 77 ac parcel in Ohio? The Ag is rented out to a farmer and it's been in corn...
    • 77ac.jpeg