Recent content by sanikh101

  1. S

    Issue with Inconsistent Reloading Results

    But your reply is too much professional, thank you so much.
  2. S

    Issue with Inconsistent Reloading Results

    I’m facing a frustrating issue with my reloading process and would appreciate any insights. Lately, I’ve noticed inconsistent performance with my handloads. Despite following the same reloading procedures and using the same components (brass, powder, bullets), my groups at the range vary widely...
  3. S

    Pastors In The Outdoors

    Thanks for sharing this! It’s awesome to see an initiative that combines faith and the outdoors like this. An archery retreat sounds like an incredible experience, especially for pastors who rarely get a chance to disconnect and recharge in nature. I'll definitely pass this along to a few folks...
  4. S

    suggest me some perfect red dot for m&p 2.0 10mm

    suggest me some perfect red dot for m&p 2.0 10mm