Recent content by massey

  1. M

    Sawtooth Oaks

    We have over 100 sawtooths on our property. Many over 20 years old. There are a few volunteers around each grove, but not many. I’m quick to protect the ones I do find. Tallest volunteer tree is around 8’. None are producing. Also have many chestnuts (around 50). Most are around 18 years old...
  2. M

    Drought and Survival

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  3. M

    Drought and Survival

    North Carolina is nothing like y’all had. We had a wet cool spring but the tap turned off after Memorial Day. Doesn’t take long for mid 90s and full sun to dry us out. Went all of June without a drop. Thankfully, last week has been rainy. Bermuda grass likes it. I don’t. Left for the mountains...
  4. M

    Should be some nuts hitting the ground again this year

    These trees are beautiful in bloom Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  5. M

    Walmart Dunstan Trees - Expectations

    Get your chestnuts from guys on here or just buy Chinese from your local wildlife agency. After 20 years, there’s no difference. Wasted money on dunstans when you can get a Chinese for 2 bucks. Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  6. M

    Chestnut experts, need help

    No pics. I’d say 3/4 of 30 trees were barren. 3 trees on the south side had decent but not great production. A few had maybe a quarter of what they normally do and two were loaded with the dropped green burrs. All the ones that opened were brown, as they usually are. I smashed green one and it...
  7. M

    How to pick a new area

    It’s gotta be pretty easy now with the inter webs and all. I drove from Michigan to Arkansas back in the 90’s to do a late season hunt after seasons closed up there. All I had was magazines and a telephone to call Arkansas wildlife. Turned out to be a great hunt and adventure. Sent from my...
  8. M

    Chestnut experts, need help

    This particular orchard is canopied out and covered in crownsbeard. Trees are 35-40 feet. I’ll bushhogg a strip through so I can actually see the deer but it’s thick. For 14 years they’ve been hammering the chestnuts until last year. White oaks were ok last year and non existent this year. I...
  9. M

    High School Oak

    Nice find! Hopefully some of those nuts will have the same characteristics! Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  10. M

    High School Oak

    Leaf will tell ya. I’ve got sawtooth acorns bigger than yours and 1/4 the size as well Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  11. M

    Chestnut experts, need help

    So, 2 years in a row I’ve had weird anomaly with my chestnut trees Last year was the heaviest production I’ve ever seen in a grove of 15 -20 year old dunstans. At the end of the season there were thousands of perfectly formed nuts laying on the ground, uneaten. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Like...
  12. M

    High School Oak

    Sure they’re not sawtooth? I have a few trees that have those characteristics. From the height/ description (and the fact that is a landscape tree planted near a school) sounds like it could be. The burrs I’ve seen don’t produce that young. Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  13. M

    The problem with sawtooth

    Hahahathey destroy them yearly Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  14. M

    Spypoint Cameras

    I’ve gone to moultrie. The edge have been fabulous although I have one SPYPOINT black that still works after 6 yrs of constant use. Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum
  15. M

    The problem with sawtooth

    Unfortunately VA has a white oak drought this year. Will make for much easier hunting though. These are the years we will see anywhere from 15-25 deer and bear on an afternoon sit. Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum