Recent content by Jack Terpack

  1. Jack Terpack

    Working at the Farm - Took a few I-Phone Pics

    Not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but I wanted to let you all know Jack passed away on July 3rd. He was an avid hunter his entire life and enjoyed few things more than wandering his property and planning out his next hunt. His health hadn't permitted him to get out in the...
  2. Jack Terpack

    Need an ID of this weed.

  3. Jack Terpack

    Working at the Farm - Took a few I-Phone Pics

    My sincere condolences.
  4. Jack Terpack

    My Saturday Muzzleloader hunt.

    Congrats. Very nice buck.
  5. Jack Terpack

    Po-Up Ground Blinds

    I agree. I bought two of the originals and they were so good that a couple years later I bought a third one. That was after they were bought out. The third one didn't last one full season. All the grommets tore out and it leaked in a mild rain. The first two are still being used by a couple of...
  6. Jack Terpack

    Plums from seed ?

    Like most fruits for commercial sale, these are probably hybrids grafted onto rootstock. Any fruit grown from the seed will revert to the rootstock. My grandson saved several seeds from peaches many years ago. he cleaned them, dried them and kept in the fridge through the winter. We planted...
  7. Jack Terpack

    Good Pear Year

    My Kieffer behind the house leafed out, blossomed and set fruit. Now it is losing all it's leaves but the small fruits are still hanging on the tree. This tree is very old. It might be on it's last legs.
  8. Jack Terpack

    This is a new one for me.

    I have hogs occasionally but this was different. I could not find a single fire-ant hill anywhere in the plot. That just never happens. Also, several of the holes were were only about for or five inches wide but six inches deep, I really don't know what caused them but my friend has been farming...
  9. Jack Terpack

    This is a new one for me.

    I've been planting foodplots for about 50 years. I thought I had seen it all. Today I walked out to my plot behind the home for the first time in quite a while. I can see it from my back door but the heat and COPD have been keeping me housebound. The plot is very overgrown with tall grasses and...
  10. Jack Terpack

    No Till Pots??

    I have always started my tomato plants in pots. I normally use wrapped up newspaper to make my own pots about 8 to 10 inches tall. This is one way I always have fresh garden tomatoes before anyone else. I put about 5 inches of good potting soil in the pots and when the plants have grown about 5...
  11. Jack Terpack

    Logging Talk: Interdependency among native trees

    This is strange. I just ordered this book yesterday on Amazon.
  12. Jack Terpack

    Mock power line

    Most of the "wagonwheel" plots have 3 or four spokes.
  13. Jack Terpack

    Mock power line

    That is a very familiar tactic in this part of SC. They show up real well on Google Earth. People will create a wagon wheel with multiple spokes and put a shooting house at the hub. Most of the spokes are normally about 150 yards long and about 30 feet wide. See the a lot in pine plantations.
  14. Jack Terpack

    Hunting and social media

    Many years ago I read a article by one of the top outdoors writers of the time. I can’t remember exactly which one it was, but the article got a lot of attention. Basically, he made a point that all hunters go through phases. The new hunter just wants to kill something, anything legal...
  15. Jack Terpack

    "Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

    My grandfather, supposedly, won a Model 94 in a poker game about 70 years ago. It got passed down to my dad and then to me. It's the long barrelled rifle chambered in 38/55. It is heavy but shoots great. It has probably been the demise of at least 30 deer over the years. I can recognize the...