Recent content by chestnut grandpa

  1. chestnut grandpa

    2016 ACCF American Chestnut

    Finally got this file so I can upload it, I hope!!
  2. chestnut grandpa

    2016 ACCF American Chestnut

    Anyone wanting to support this program can contribute to the SUNY-ESF fund at this link. At the present time, besides going through the government approval process, SUNY-ESF is working on establishing nut production orchards...
  3. chestnut grandpa

    2016 ACCF American Chestnut

    The OXO wheat gene that SUNY-ESF used to make the blight resistant American chestnut will also work to make the chinquapins blight resistant. As soon as we have gotten through the government approval process for the American chestnut, which costs about $300,000/year, the Alleghany and Ozark...
  4. chestnut grandpa

    2016 ACCF American Chestnut

    For the latest information on a blight resistant American chestnut go to these links. This tree developed by SUNY-ESF in Syracuse, with the support of TACF-NY is more blight resistant than the Chinese and is 99.997% pure American. Anyone wanting to help us restore the American chestnut contact...
  5. chestnut grandpa

    2016 ACCF American Chestnut

    Only a very small % of the Restoration 1.0 trees will have good blight resistance, and even those trees will be less resistant than the Chinese.
  6. chestnut grandpa


    Yes, they are from a resprout of an old stump.
  7. chestnut grandpa


    This is not an American chestnut. It could be a hybrid by the tree form but the leaves are too waxie, like an oak. The leaves do not have the same fishook pattern as an American and have the profile of a Chinese. If anyone is interested in identifying information I have an email with side by...