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  • If you want to shoot me an email, I can be more in-depth on recommendations than the 450-character limit in this messaging system allows.

    Lucky Pittman
    Tell me a bit about your place - usda hardiness zone, what sort of soil types, moisture, etc. That'll help me make a better recommendation for varieties that have best shot at being productive for you. I'll readily admit that I don't know much about your area.
    I've contacted friends in NNGA & PA NGA for input, but it looks like any pecans that I'd recommend for folks in zone 6 over here would do well for you.
    I can't help but ask, sir, where in Huntingdon County you might call home. My wife is from Petersburg....Mooresville to be precise. Her father had a little gun shop there.
    I'm actually from Lancaster County, but I've got a hunting farm west of Orbisonia. That's southern Huntingdon, Petersburg is northern. I was in Petersburg once and liked it there, it's kind of off the beaten path. I like any part of the central Pennsylvania mountain country.
    I've got a 3pt spreader that I use for lime. Kutz Farm Supply in Pine Grove has great deals on spreaders.
    Who do you use to spread your lime? I just got my soil test back and it looks like I need 24tons spread on 12 acres. Also where can I buy seed, fertilizer, herbicide? There's not a ton of farms around here and I can't seem to find anything in my area. Anything would be huge as of right now I just have my tractor.
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