Turkey Creek
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  • Hey Turkey Creek
    I'm already thinking about next years trees. Do you carry crabs , Chestnut,Kerr,Centennial etc. Also, what rootstock do you use
    Im in Virginia with quite a bit of clay soil. In the past Ive mainly used 111b but have been trying out Antonovka the last couple of years
    Thanks John (worm ).
    Turkey Creek
    Turkey Creek
    Yes usually we have Chestnut, Kerr, Hewes and Dolgo. M111 and B118 mostly.
    I may have ask this before but do you only ship in spring and do you still have the pears I ordered?
    Randy Hoffman
    Please email to dgablegei@aol.com with pricing. I'm interested in pear trees but may plant some apple as well. I'm in NE OK if you have any advice for this area.

    Thank you.
    Turkey Creek
    Turkey Creek
    I sent the most current list to your email.

    Do you have a website for tree sales?
    Turkey Creek
    Turkey Creek
    No we do not currently. In the works for late fall this year. We have a Facebook page. Otherwise I can email you a list of our remaining inventory for the year.
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