Miscanthus/screen expereince


Active Member
I am super impressed with the small patches of Miscanthus I have planted for different uses. I am wondering if people that have planted long screens with them, or used Miscanthus to screen a plot are happy they did so?
I am really curious how deer respond to plots, or areas that have such a thick "wall" around them?

Do the deer enter the plot through paths you have opened in the Miscanthus ? Do they use the plots as frequently?

I have used Switch for screening and secluding a plot in the past and wondering if Miscanthus is better, or worse for actual deer use?

I see deer sneak through the switch and look over it as they approach and enter the plot. I see them bound into it when harassed by a young buck or Coyote, and have an easy escape route, etc.

The sheer height and 'Wall" the miscanthus is ideal for screening, but does it come at a price for the deer? Do they feel trapped in plots surrounded by it? Do they feel hesitant entering a plot through those gaps?

Maybe I'm over thinking it? I just try to think like a prey animal when setting up an area. Seems something that tall/thick could be a double edged sword???

Any experiences that you could share would be appreciated

I am very happy with the way my MG turned out. I do not have it around any plots it's a screen from a farm field, before MG the deer would enter and be on edge most of the time now they enter and look around and seem at ease. Couple pics from the tree last year, this screen is 110yds long.

Scott, did you cut gaps for deer access through the screen ?

How old is that screen? Do you think when it gets older/thicker and the deer can't sneak through it, it could change the situation?

I've only really seen screens a few yrs old max in person. I'm wondering 8 yrs or so how it could possibly change the situation when it becomes a true wall style screen . Some of the pics I see online and seeing places that sell the stuff. Holy cow, what a impenetrable dense wall !
Scott, did you cut gaps for deer access through the screen ?

How old is that screen? Do you think when it gets older/thicker and the deer can't sneak through it, it could change the situation?

I've only really seen screens a few yrs old max in person. I'm wondering 8 yrs or so how it could possibly change the situation when it becomes a true wall style screen . Some of the pics I see online and seeing places that sell the stuff. Holy cow, what a impenetrable dense wall !
That screen is 5yrs old, I should have planted it a little closer but it is what it is. Another thing I've noticed is mine is growing ok but I have real heavy clay, last year a guy at work and I split some rhizomes and he has pretty light soil and his first years growth was better than mine. I think it will make a good screen but they will be able to get through it if they want to just because of the way it grows.
Scott, did you cut gaps for deer access through the screen ?

How old is that screen? Do you think when it gets older/thicker and the deer can't sneak through it, it could change the situation?

I've only really seen screens a few yrs old max in person. I'm wondering 8 yrs or so how it could possibly change the situation when it becomes a true wall style screen . Some of the pics I see online and seeing places that sell the stuff. Holy cow, what a impenetrable dense wall !
Sorry Bigeight, ive been offline a few days. I honestly have no first hand experience with it growing around fields (and i assume we are talking miscanthus giganteus), but i cannot imagine whitetail deer bothered by a privacy fence of grass. :D Yes, it gets tall, but they can easily negotiate their way through a stand of this stuff. If nothing else, mix it up with shrubs and cedars, etc.... that'd be cool to see.