Found at Asheboro Zoo, NC


Active Member
Saw this shrub 5 or 6 times throughout the zoo. Never labeled and did not recognize the fruit. any guesses?
grape leaved holly. That's how I've always know them anyway. They have tiny yellow flowers in early Spring with a citrus aroma to them. The grapes usually mature in May and when the robins find them they won't last long. I've got 8 or 9 in my yard now with more popping up each year from the robin's deposits.
They are a great plant for placing in an area where you don't want anyone (dogs included)to go. The leaves are very prickly!
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Thanks for the quick ID. I had never seen a holly with berries that were that big or that color. Looked like small plums. Have never seem them advertised, but i assumed they were native since the zoo normally focuses on local and native fauna throughout the park.
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Thanks for the quick ID. I had never seen a holly with berries that were that big or that color. Looked like small plums. Have never seem them advertised, but i assumed they were native since the zoo normally focuses on local and native fauna throughout the park.

Yes the berries are very large, especially for a holly. If you have one this year then you will have 4 or 5 next year compliments of the birds. Some people hate them for that reason. I like them since they feed the birds and keep their leaves through the winter. I just pick out the ones I don't want when they are still small.
I dont have any on site, but like the looks of the plant. The few hollys I have are full size trees that do provide cover and food to songbirds, but not much for deer and turkey. If I stumble upon these in the wild, may be a place for them at my farm.