Broadleaf control in


New Member
What can I use to control broadleaf weeds in power plant food plot? It consists of soybean, cow peas, sunn hemp, and sunflower
What can I use to control broadleaf weeds in power plant food plot? It consists of soybean, cow peas, sunn hemp, and sunflower

I have a similar mix this summer(hemp, soybean, and cow peas) and tried a few options. Something always died. Raptor was the only thing I could find after research but it's expensive.

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That's the one advantage of planting things separately, more options in herbicides and mowing for weed control. Another advantage planting things separately is that you will see more deer movement from plot to plot which translates into hunting opportunities. Look on the bright side, the deer are eating some of those weeds and you have annual plantings that will soon be over and you can put in a cover crop to get the weeds under control.