2016 Covert Blackhawk Wireless Camera


Active Member
I purchased a 2016 Covert Blackhawk wireless camera with the thought of using it for security to my land. I have not been able to use as I have had nothing but issues with battery life. I originally tried just regular batteries and they lasted a day or two. I then purchased lithium batteries and they lasted a few days. I then purchased the Covert rechargeable batteries and solar panel and they go dead in four or five days.

I set the camera from real time to ping the cell tower every four hours and this still doesn't help. At this setting it is no longer good for security usage.

I am still paying for the monthly plan thru Verizon and not able to use the camera.

Has anyone had this issue and if so what did you do to correct?
I have 3, but not a 2016. The 2015s are the best. I believe there were battery issues with the 2016s. Have you checked to make sure your firmware is current. Check the DLC Covert website for the most current firmware. They have great customer service, give them a call. When you sell as many junk cameras as they do, customer service gets pretty good.
I called their customer service and they verified my firmware is up to date. The gave me an RA number to return camera, batteries and solar solar for service.
Wow, that sounds like a problem. I have a Spartan GoCam with ATT service. I get decent battery life but want to try an external battery with solar backup. If these are for security then they must work!
I have the new 2016 Coverts and hate them. My cameras have been down more than they been working. It sucks when your farm is 800+ miles away. The Reconyx cell cam is the most reliable on the market
My camera has been at Covert for a week and they have it outside testing it and it has been sending pictures. I spoke with them and the thing you have to do with the 2016 cameras is set the Remote Control setting to a minimum of every 4 hours. Anything less drastically shortens battery life. This does not impact it taking or sending pictures. It affects the amount of time before your camera accepts any setting changes you make to the camera. Battery life has been my main issue and they ware going to test my solar panel today. When using the solar panel battery life will never be higher than 70%. Based on sun light and solar panel placement battery life seems to vary from 60 to 40%.

The 2017 cameras coming out soon have addressed battery life issues. So those that like the 2015 models will like the 2017 models. Covert customer service has been great.

I have one of the first Covert cameras like the picture below, it is at least 10 years old and it still works! I believe they were called HCO at the time. They were the first to make the small camera that ran on 4-8 AA batteries.
I got my Covert Blackhawk back and they updated the firmware and replaced my Solar Panel it was why my batteries were not charging. The camera has been in the filed since last Friday and is working great.
Battery life ranges from 60% to 100% it is at 90% right now. It has been in the field for twelve days with no issues.KDGSbbpW8XU3DmF15Aw1y2FPNEiYfIt3wYj_h_P3_QhK74hT.jpg