Recent content by DougG

  1. DougG

    Alternative to Corn Field Plots

    we have done beans in the past and they get into them so fast they never make it to full growth.
  2. DougG

    Alternative to Corn Field Plots

    I am strongly leaning to single species, especially of row crop, as we can get it for free. If I have to go a blend, I would have to pay for that.
  3. DougG

    Alternative to Corn Field Plots

    Here is a soil test of our different fields. Keep in mind, we have a very poor soil to start with. Would the S and NN fields support Milo/Sorghum ok without too much need for fertilizer? also, does anyone have a good link for knowing if these numbers are in good ranges? Do the M, G, L values...
  4. DougG

    Alternative to Corn Field Plots

    For milo/sorghum, the only eat the heads and not the green leaves, correct?
  5. DougG

    Alternative to Corn Field Plots

    For the past 5 years or so, we have been planting around 5 acres of corn as food plots for deer. The deer seem to hit it hard starting early September and usually by December, end of when we usually hunt, they have cleared the fields of 98% of the corn and there is nothing left. We usually see...
  6. DougG

    Chestnut seeds

    Hi Tom, Sorry, I do not have any to trade, what i have are already for myself and a few friends.
  7. DougG

    Chestnut seeds

    I collected a bunch of chestnut seeds in early October 2021 and put them in the fridge to overwinter. So far no spouts have taken place. Is it still early, or should I pull them from the fridge and get into some warmth? Any advice is appreciated.
  8. DougG

    Crimson Clover Question

    I just picked up some Crimson Clover from Hancock seed and will plant in late Feb or early March and see how things do. Thanks
  9. DougG

    Crimson Clover Question

    I am in South East Ohio, and I want to put in some more Crimson Clover, had a nice patch of it growing in some winter wheat, but want to expand. Can I sow in the early spring and have it possibly come to head and reseed for the following year? The existing in the wheat seems to do the same...
  10. DougG

    Is this wild plum?

    mine have not started spreading as far as i can tell, still just the single trees.
  11. DougG

    Is this wild plum?

    i was assuming the fruit would be a little larger. The ones i have a smaller than cherries. Maybe due to first year of fruit. Glad it is what i was hoping, thanks for the confirm and link NH.'
  12. DougG

    Is this wild plum?

    I purchased these 3 of these as seedlings 4 years back, supposed to be Chickasaw Plum(bought cause name of my hometown), caged them and they grew like weeds. First year with fruit, but not quite what I was expecting. Is this a plum or did I get taken?
  13. DougG

    What is this

    Thanks NH, I didn't think it was autumn olive, as the leaves were too big, but wanted to verify.
  14. DougG

    What is this

    Growing on woods edge in SE Ohio, not the greatest pick, sorry.
  15. DougG

    What kind of seed?

    In doing some additional research, it looks poor for deer, but good for birds, including quail, which our land is in quail region in ohio.