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My adjoining landowner fell out of a tree taking down ladder stands and broke his back.I wasn't in town at the time but was able to have the FD on one phone while I had a buddy lead them in.There is a safe way to put up and take down a ladder stand and I do that now by tying a rope around tree and back to bottom of stand,no more hugging tree and hoping.
Take a look at life360,you can add it to your cell phone for free and anyone you assign to it can see right where you are
My adjoining landowner fell out of a tree taking down ladder stands and broke his back.I wasn't in town at the time but was able to have the FD on one phone while I had a buddy lead them in.There is a safe way to put up and take down a ladder stand and I do that now by tying a rope around tree and back to bottom of stand,no more hugging tree and hoping.

A few years ago, when we still used ladders, my buddy and I used to lean them against the tree, then he would use his climber to go up and cinch them tight. It worked pretty well.