Good luck to our Gulf Coast members

This one's not looking good. Governor said it could be the strongest we've had since the 1850's. Just got finished securing as much as possible. Now, we wait. My house is just on the east side of the projected eye path.
It’s not as bad as predicted is it ? I heard it was down to tropical storm strength now, at least I hope so. I know we’re all envious of Rusty’s big bucks, but even he doesn’t deserve two in a row……;)
Hit us at a CAT 2. Nocked power out and trees down all over. No idea when power will be back as most people are out. But, we have our lives and no major damage to our house. If it looks like it will be more than a week, I might pack up and head to Kentucky.
I’m watching Fox News as I type. More people dead in NYC than in LA. What a freak event ! The subways are flooded ! The devastation isn’t over in LA. either, as it looks like a big flood event and some folks won’t have electricity for 4/6 weeks. Lord only knows what a mess it would have been if it had been a stronger storm.
I’m watching Fox News as I type. More people dead in NYC than in LA. What a freak event ! The subways are flooded ! The devastation isn’t over in LA. either, as it looks like a big flood event and some folks won’t have electricity for 4/6 weeks. Lord only knows what a mess it would have been if it had been a stronger storm.
Along with the power outages, we have a gas shortage to run generators. Gas stations that are able to open have lines a mile long. You wait hours.