Fall mushroom/fungi help


Well-Known Member
I was hanging a stand today on a new parcel I just got permission to hunt and the woods was full of mushrooms. Short of hen of the woods/sheepshead, turkey tail and chicken of the woods I'm clueless about fall shrooms. Any of these look familiar?

Is this lilac bonnet?





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I wish I knew more about the edible mushrooms. The only ones I know anything about are morels. I wish my grandpa was still around or I would have paid more attention when he was. He knew every edible fungi, plant and animal in the woods. It is becoming a lost art and one in which I wish I had the knowledge of.
I wish I knew more about the edible mushrooms. The only ones I know anything about are morels. I wish my grandpa was still around or I would have paid more attention when he was. He knew every edible fungi, plant and animal in the woods. It is becoming a lost art and one in which I wish I had the knowledge of.
I know exactly what you mean about Grandpa. I regret that I was only really listening about half the time. Every time I hear that song line, "spoke of life with a slow southern drawl, I never heard him 'cause I knew it all, I sure listened when I got the call, that he was no longer there" I get a little choked up.
I have Mushrooms of North America ISBN 0-316-70613-2. Looks like a white chanterelle (cantharellus subalbidus) there are about 6 variations . I'm looking for the other ones. Morels make me ill, so I've long sought out the many other edible specimens. This one is excellent. But always approach eating cautiously. Sampling a small piece first, or slip to the wife when she is not looking.;) There are only a couple that will do you serious damage and they don't even look like something that you would want to eat.
The first three look like they are in the Russala family. Not enough detail to make a call. Russala's most times make you puke.
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I would like to assist but have a policy not to do mushroom ID on the Internet.

A relative of mine had a buddy who wrongly identified some bad mushrooms and ate them while he was drinking shine. Guy went completely wacko and thought his cows were aliens from outer space. He went to trying to run them down in his pickup and crashed smack dab through the barn wall into his Massey Ferguson tractor. Even after the crash, it took six big men to hold him down, and he wouldn't weight 145 soaking wet.

I wouldn't want to share any responsibility for anything like that happening.

Best Wishes....
You always the final judge as to try or not. Small sample is always wise. With a good book most mushrooms have things that helps to ID them. Smell, touch one to the tip of your tongue, bruise one observe the color are the most common aids to ID. It's very satisfying to find a treasure on the forest floor. There are enough easily identified to satisfy anyone. My favorites are sulphur polypore, shaggy mane, hen and chicks, willows ,puff balls. I can spot them a 100 yards away.
I would like to assist but have a policy not to do mushroom ID on the Internet.

A relative of mine had a buddy who wrongly identified some bad mushrooms and ate them while he was drinking shine. Guy went completely wacko and thought his cows were aliens from outer space. He went to trying to run them down in his pickup and crashed smack dab through the barn wall into his Massey Ferguson tractor. Even after the crash, it took six big men to hold him down, and he wouldn't weight 145 soaking wet.

I wouldn't want to share any responsibility for anything like that happening.

Best Wishes....

Are you sure it was the suspect bad mushrooms and not the suspect good shine.:p

I have seen women, men too, get pretty goofy on the sanctioned 90 proof stuff.

"Ninety-five percent of all mushroom fatalities in North America are associated with Amanita species mushrooms (Cataletto)." According to the MD poison mushroom toxicity only effects about half of the population and .016% are effect seriously.

Personally, I have tried puff balls fried in butter a number of times and each time I had to ask "why do people eat these things?"

I got a little busy but just wanted to follow this up and say:
Doe Shooter: Thanks for your input, I did positively ID the chanterelles and enjoyed a tasty meal with them. Also enjoyed some chicken of the woods/sulfur shelf
Native Hunter: I can appreciate that policy but can I rely on you to ID good shine from the bad stuff? :)
I got a little busy but just wanted to follow this up and say:
Doe Shooter: Thanks for your input, I did positively ID the chanterelles and enjoyed a tasty meal with them. Also enjoyed some chicken of the woods/sulfur shelf
Native Hunter: I can appreciate that policy but can I rely on you to ID good shine from the bad stuff? :)

LOL, not me but I know this friend of a friend of a friend.............................