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  1. D

    Tiller or disc?

    This is what I do for larger seed like my summer blend and fall grain mix. It works well for me.
  2. D

    Firminator vs. Kasco Plotter's Choice

    Thank you for the response. With all the talk of no-till, throw and mow, and regenerative food plotting, along with numerous posts from experienced food plotters saying something along the lines of “leave the disc in the barn or sell it”, I couldn’t help but wonder why someone would make a...
  3. D

    Firminator vs. Kasco Plotter's Choice

    I see discs. I thought those were bad for soil health?
  4. D

    WI soil test kits - buy 3 get 1 free!

    What all do they test for?
  5. D

    joint vetch for deer

    In the spring I broadcast seeded Aeschynomene on some poor ground to try it out. It eventually took off and the deer have been hammering it. I’m sold on it.
  6. D

    Oats Help

    I planted BFO’s for the first time last year and was pleasantly surprised at how many survived the winter. We had several nights in the teens on the southern Cumberland Plateau. Once the deer rotated off the acorns, the BFO’s got hammered the rest of the season. I’m buying them again.
  7. D

    Fall plantings and rain, or lack there of

    Southeast rain in sight, but brassica and clover seed is going down this weekend. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!!
  8. D

    Fall plot mix Zone 8

    Seems like oats would be a good companion to the wheat, along with an annual clover. Testing by Craig Harper and University of Tennessee showed their local deer preferred Berseem clover more than other varieties. As you know, WINA adds Berseem clover to their famous Imperial Clover mix for...
  9. D

    Best spray nozzle

    I use this 3-nozzle boom with my Birchmeier backpack sprayer. It’s well made, works really good and provides a lot of coverage, but your arms better be in decent shape if you plan to walk more than a small piece of ground. With the 3 nozzles, you are pretty much pumping nonstop to maintain...
  10. D

    combating grasses organically

    I broke down and pulled the trigger on the ATV weed wick. I think (and hope) it’s going to be a game changer for me, especially with my perennial plots. I’m looking forward to killing some grasses, marestail and pigweed with it.
  11. D

    WI soil test on sale

    WINA website shows regular price of $13.95. On sale where? For how much? What nutrients and other variables do they test for?
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    Herbicide for use on WMS Pea Patch

    Don't forget the crop oil. I use Charge SOC and get good results with cleth.
  13. D

    Minimum tillage ?

    Looks like they like them. I did a 1-acre IC pea plot 2 years ago and the deer basically stared at them until Aug. Then they started browsing them, but not very much. Most of them seeded out and yellowed. I switched to Eagle soybeans the following year and they pounded them early and often.
  14. D

    Favorite Perennial Plot?

    If your plot isn’t too big I would buy WINA Alfa-Rack Plus and be done with it. In that bag you get: WINA Imperial Clover - a proven winner WINA-100 Chicory - a great chicory Grazing Alfalfas It runs about $40 per 1/4 acre or about $140 per 1.25 acre.
  15. D

    Where did my Clover go.

    Good looking chicory. I'd maybe overseed that plot mid-summer with Frosty Berseem and Blackhawk Arrowleaf and hunt it this fall.
  16. D

    Clearing woods for food plot.

    Dang....thank goodness for logging decks, pelletized lime and daikon radish.
  17. D

    Minimum tillage ?

    I'm curious to see how Edge does in your plot. I've thought it's mix of small burnet, chicory, alfalfa and sainfoin could be a real winner when it comes to attraction, but I haven't tried it yet. With alfalfa and sainfoin needing a higher pH, hopefully your soil gets into the mid-6's before...
  18. D

    When to mow?

    I’m interested in that product. How much collateral damage do you get from dripping and ATV tires?
  19. D

    Micro woods plot success pics

    Yes, winter rye. It’s pretty much bullet proof.