block fields from road

I would prefer something like switch grass which doesn't normally attract deer but will provide screening next to a roadway. A planting behind the switch grass of Norway Spruce will eventually provide good screening but it will take a few years to grow into a good screen depending on your growing season.
I planted 1400 Norway Spruce trees in 2009 and they are becoming large enough now so they might provide screening but up here in the northern zone ( I believe it's 4 B ) they aren't a fast growing species. The deer leave them alone pretty well except when we have a hard winter with a heavy snow cover then the deer will chew away some at the trees. I have lost some trees but I replant a few each year to keep my rows filled.
Corn would be a quick and dirty screen but the corn will attract deer and that's not something you want to do. The deer aren't smart enough to stay on the right side out of sight and away from a road where they will tempt a poacher or meet up with the front bumper of a vehicle.