Recent content by Oldman570

  1. O

    Finally Done !

    The deer have been in my plots ever since the rye and oats was 4 or5 inches tall. Your plots look to be close to that height now. It might take a while before all the deer decide if it is good enough for them to eat, but when they do, you might have more than you want.
  2. O

    Finally Done !

    Looks like you off to a good start with the food plot. Now if the critters will like it, you will get meat in the fresser.
  3. O

    Daughter shot her first deer with a bow this weekend!!!

    You both have done a great job getting her first deer with a bow. Keep up the great work and enjoy.
  4. O

    Runaway camera problem

    One should check that the switch on the card is in the correct position to take photos. Using a rubber pencil eraser to clean the small contacts on the card will clean them, if the camera has been in harsh weather. I have had these problems with cameras that I have, and have fixed most all my...
  5. O

    (No) frost seeding

    I would believe that everything should be fine. If it looks like the stand is thin come fall, I would mow it as late in the year as possible, and frost reseed the next spring. I have had to do this on a stand of clover after the first year to get a good plot that I was happy with. It never hurts...
  6. O

    Advice on wounded buck

    You did get a fine buck, but you should really work on your safety when not in the stand. That loaded crossbow in the picture might seem safe to some, but if it go off there could be problems. I picked a young boy about a week ago that thought it was OK to have a loaded crossbow on the front of...
  7. O

    Finding and Keeping a good bow

    I also have had a Bear Kodak that I first used. Then switched to a High Country American that I keep around as a backup bow now days. I have been using a Martin Jaguar for the last 10 years or so. I have had to replaced the serving and string about 3 times, and the cables once since I bought it...
  8. O

    Tikka T3 .243. Help!

    Tikka dose make a fine gun for the money spent. A new production rifle should have the barrel broke in when first shot. I always brake in a barrel by shooting cheaper ammo and cleaning the gun after every 5 shots fired for the first 50 rounds fired. This also lets the barrel cool down while...
  9. O

    Bow snobs

    If one can shoot an animal with a bow and have a clean humane kill, then the bow they use is what is best for them. I have seen the results of those that open their yaps about how great their bow is, only to have to track the animal down and finish the job they should never have started. As long...