Cultipacker Suggestions

Ben Laska

New Member
Anyone have any reputable brands/models of cultipackers they would suggest? Whether it is UTV pulled or compact tractor pulled?
We got lucky and found ours in a tractor implement graveyard years ago. I found another for a buddy of mine in pile of brush on a property I hunt last year, he bought it from the landowner for $150. I got ours for $45. I believe those deals are still out there if you keep your eyes open; but I'm sure they're getting fewer and farther between. Both of us pull ours with small tractors.
Brillion is probably the number one cultipacker company, king cutter and some of those other brands make them too. I sold my brillion last year because with no-till I just wasn't using it anymore.
I have a small one four feet wide. It is pulled by a four wheeler and allows us to get in the field sooner after a rain than if we had one used with a tractor.

Our disadvantage is lack of weigh. So we cut logs that fit on the top rack. This helps when the ground is harder than normal.

I wish I had a 6 foot that I could use with a tractor to exert more downward pressure. But it is what it is for us.

Good luck and keep looking.
I bought mine 10 years ago from a tractor house in KY or TN that sells used equipment. I’m sure its70 years old. Weights around 1000#, none of that light weight stuff made today. Delivered to my door and worked great. Research used equipment and prob can tract them down. I’ll try to find supplier name when home next wk. I seldom use it any more as I basically am all T&M.
Everything Attachments is another brand.
i got mine from this company and am well pleased


Mine is an 84" from this same company. Very well built and does a pretty good job. If I had it to do over, I'd go with a 72" though. I've skinned a tree or two turning around at the ends of my plots. :( Kinda spendy at a little under $2K but it will last me forever.
I have the 84” EA as well. Quite happy with it. Only issue I’ve found is if you’re in a hurry on bumpy ground, use bungee cords to keep the legs from coming out of the locked up position. It seems I’m always hurrying because everything takes longer than I hoped it would.